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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sheep of Heaven: Sheep of Heaven: The Lord is my Shepherd

Sheep of Heaven: Sheep of Heaven: The Lord is my Shepherd: Sheep of Heaven: The Lord is my Shepherd , I shall not want. If the Lord is your Shepherd there is nothing in this world that you will ...

1 comment:

  1. Ok. I've gotten no comments but I know someone other than me is reading my blog because I have 233 page views so for those of you who are probably running around and don't have time to write back; for those of you who are just too shy or even for those of you who think they have nothing to say or that you don't know how to write, believe me, neither do I but I feel so excited that I have so many views spreading the Gospel and I know that at least one of you have been saved. So I want to share with you what I felt when I got saved..

    I couple of days before my surgery I accepted Jesus in my life and that day I felt so much peace, so much faith in the Lord that everything was going to be alright.. I couldn't even understand why I wasn't nervous at all and then I did. The bible says:

    Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. Phil 4:7

    Now.. don't think that as soon as you accept Jesus your problems are going to leave you.. This is another topic I will soon cover but for now know that if Jesus is in you and you trust him and give him ALL your worries he will help you pass all the troubles and you will KNOW that only HIM was able to help you because again the peace that surpasses all human understanding will overflow you. God Bless you all and stay tuned this Sunday for my new post.
